
Arrestato Paul Watson, capitano di Sea Shepherd

dal sito di Sea Shepherd

La Germania ha arrestato Paul Watson e sembra che abbia anche deciso di concedere la sua estadizione verso il Costa Rica
Si tratta di una delle persone più coraggiose del mondo, un uomo che ha combattuto tutta la sua vita contro la spietata caccia a balene e foche, contro le ingiuste mattanze di magnifici cetacei, contro gli sperimenti nucleari in Alaska e a favore del riconoscimento dei diritti ai nativi americani
Paul Watson, tra i fondatori di Greenpeace e di Sea Shepherd, la piccola flotta che compie azioni dirette in tutti i mari del mondo, è una persona che ha sempre messo a repentaglio la sua incolumità per i diritti dei più deboli

La sua biografia
in inglese
in italiano

é necessario e urgente scrivere una lettera a Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger, Federal Minister of Justice (Ministra Federale della Giustizia)


titolo della mail: please reconsider the decision to deport Paul Watson to Costa Rica


Esteemed Madam Minister,

as a member of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and as a concerned citizen of the world, I am shocked and saddened by the news that Germany decided to deport Captain Paul Watson to Costa Rica and I respectfully ask the German Government to reconsider this decision.

The warrant issued by Costa Rica is politically motivated and it does not have the best interest of justice as its foundation. Rather, it serves the interest of shark fin poachers, who are putting the whole planet and its population at great risk by diminishing the biodiversity of the Ocean with their ruthless exploitation of an apex predator. This is what Captain Paul Watson was and is fighting against, and of course the fact that he and the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society are standing up to this multi-million-dollar poaching operation is not well-received by those who profit from it.

I have reason to fear that Captain Paul Watson will be unjustly detained for a disproportionate length of time in Costa Rica, and that he will face an unfair trial imposed on him by biased authorities influenced by the plunderers of the Ocean.

Germany has a great reputation as a country which is immune to corruption and which serves, first and foremost, the interests of justice and fairness, and this makes it a country that the world looks up to. I ask you, Madam Minister, to make it possible for Germany to live up to those great standards once again, and to overturn the decision to deport Captain Paul Watson to Costa Rica. In doing so, you will be acting not only in the name of justice, but also in the best interest both of the Oceans and the whole planet.

I thank you for your time and attention, and I do hope in a positive outcome for this matter.

Respectfully yours,

nome, cognome, indirizzo, città, paese


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